Verena's World of Skincare

Dear Friends,

Some of my earliest and dearest memories are my regular trips to Germany to visit my grandparents, Dr. Richard Adam and Linde Eckstein. The family stories and anecdotes were entertaining, but the highlight of these trips were my visits to our company headquarters. As I walked through the facilities, I was mesmerized by the world of colorful containers and aromatic fragrances, and enchanted by the creams, pastes, gels and oils that awaited my “expert” evaluation.
It’s helpful to understand that Doctor Eckstein is literally a family business of proximity; my grandparents’ former home, and the lab that still produces our products today, are located a mere stone’s throw from each other.

How important I felt as a child holding my dad’s hand as we entered that pristine space, him in full gear – white coat, hair net, overshoes – to observe the lab scientists as they developed new formulations. At the time, my dad was head of research, development and production. When time allowed in his busy day, he would take me and my older brother Michael on a walkthrough – him, the proud papa, us the curious, mini-explorers on an exciting discovery tour.

My brother and I grew up as children of two worlds: one world in Germany, the place of our family roots, and the other in California, where we spent our childhood and still live today. Our identity is equal parts of both. When our parents immigrated with us from Germany to the United States in the early 1990’s, it was their expressed goal to introduce Doctor Eckstein products to the wider world. Their passion stemmed from the company’s long history – established in 1949 – and an unwavering commitment to product development based on pharmaceutical and natural science, combined with a deeply humanistic belief.

Though our family is steeped in a long business history, our parents encouraged my brother and me to pursue a career of our own choosing, to find out for ourselves where our interests lie. But early on, it became clear to both of us that we wanted to continue the family tradition, to preserve the deep knowledge of skin and its healthy functioning, and to continue providing for its care.

Today, enriched with a doctorate in natural medicine, I am excited to contribute my own knowledge and experience to the family business. Several years ago, after my father passed away, my brother and I joined our mother Iris Eckstein to continue the family story in his footsteps. And in keeping with the original mission of our pharmacist grandparents, we strive to support and strengthen the individual expression of internal and external beauty.

With this blog, I wish to share with you those nuggets of knowledge acquired over generations about healthy skin and beauty. What do you need to know about caring for your skin and which products work best for you? What active substances are proven effective and which ones are new and promising? Join me as I take you into the wonderful world of creams, pastes, gels and oils and share valuable tips on living your beauty™ through effective, physiological skincare, and beyond.

Verena Eckstein

My Blog Topics at a Glance

The All-Rounder Niacinamide

Nicotinamide, nicotinic acid, antipellagra vitamin – all refer to the same active ingredient, primarily known in cosmetics as niacinamide and a vari...
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Turmeric For The Skin

Turmeric began its triumphal march through Europe in the 18th century as the main ingredient in curry powder. It was the English who brought turmeric ...
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Why Antioxidants Are Amazing

Antioxidants are almost like celebrities: everyone knows them or at least has heard of them. We find them in everyday life, we can ingest antioxidants...
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How to Have Healthy-Looking, Stunning Nails

You and I have it in our hands how comfortable our nails feel with us. As resistant as they often appear - after all, they consist of up to 150 irreg...
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Help! What Is This? Why Do I Have Blemished Skin?

Many people make an unpleasant acquaintance with skin impurities throughout their lives. When we talk about it, we usually talk about "pimples ." But ...
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The Women of Doctor Eckstein®

International Women's Day. Reason for me to think about women in general, but especially about the women in our family. The family business was also ...
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Is Your Winter Skin Sensitive?

Winter is here, and your skin isn't happy about it? What was not an issue in the summer torments your skin now all the more: your skin is suddenly sup...
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Is Using Gender-Specific Products Important?

Frequently I am asked by friends and acquaintances what differences exist between men's and women's skin and whether this inevitably results in gender...
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Capture That Summer Ease

Here in California, we are spoiled by the sun. San Diego, my home, can look forward to an average of 3,055 hours of sunshine a year. As a comparison: ...
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The Guardians of the Skincare Culture

Skin culture - a nice term, don't you think? It goes back to the German doctor and social hygienist Christoph Wilhelm Hufeland, who worked around 1800...
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The Skin in Sauna Mode

Due to current corona measures, going to the sauna is not an option. I miss it a lot and just recently came across an interesting article about it in ...
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Relax (Your Skin)!

An unusual and demanding year lies behind us. The ongoing corona pandemic determines many parts of our lives. People react differently to such extraor...
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Why Use Plant Stem Cell Extracts Made in a Lab?

A few years ago, a friend told me that she isolated and propagated stem cells from apples during her biology internship. At the time I thought “woul...
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“Help! My Skin Is Irritated Under My Protective Mask and I’m Breaking Out.”

The past weeks our Team has been getting a lot of questions like this one, and with good reason. Wearing masks for a long period of time can dry out, ...
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Discipline Instead of Magic: How to Treat Impure Skin Well

There is no magical ingredient and no standard solution that works for everyone when it comes to caring for blemished skin. My grandfather Dr. R.A. Ec...
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Beta Carotene: Natural Protection from the Outside

What Is Beta Carotene? Beta carotene is an orange pigment from plants that is an antioxidant and carotenoid. It occurs in nature wherever cells have t...
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The behavior that we are shown as children in our families has a formative influence on our decisions as young adults. This applies to our eating habi...
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Beta-Glucan in Skincare

Do you like to eat Asian food? Then you may also appreciate the shiitake mushroom, which is considered the “king of mushrooms” in its homeland of ...
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Let the Sun Be Your Friend

When my mother was little, sun protection was not a priority. A typical picture from that time was bodies lounging in the sun by the sea, often colore...
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Skin Care: Concentrates & Creams

My last blog talked about the importance of proper cleansing and toning. Today we’re going to look at the following skin care steps: active concentr...
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Skin Care: Cleansing & Peeling

Proper cleansing sets the tone for good skin. But too often this step is woefully underestimated. Daily cleansing is just as important to the skin’s...
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Not long and winter is just around the corner. The power of the sun is waning, life outside is getting quieter. Nature lets its liveliness and splendo...
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As the Skin Ages

Did you know that over 20 billion cell divisions occur continuously in our body in order to regenerate cells, cell tissue, organs and, thus, our entir...
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SINCE 1949.
Doctor Eckstein®, Pioneers in Advanced Skincare.

Leveraging generations of expertise, our advanced skincare uses pioneering research and breakthrough formulations. Experience exceptional results and unveil your best skin with our innovative solutions.

An Indie Brand, Since 1949

As an independent, family-owned and operated company, our only focus is making sure you have happy skin. We personally lead all essential steps from research and development to finished product.


Science-Driven Formulas

Pharmaceutical research has always been at the core of our product development. Our innovative use of research-proven ingredients in our original, unique formulations sets us apart.

Made in germany

Made In Germany

From our dedicated research and development team, to our manufacturing facility in the lush region of Oberasbach, Germany, we embrace the highest standards in the skincare industry. This includes not only a committed focus on quality, but also sustainability.


Biocompatible & Targeted Ingredients

We understand healthy skin at its core and what it needs to function at its best. That includes using targeted ingredients that are high-quality, pure, and biocompatible. Our skin-friendly formulas are dermatologically lab tested.